Jamie Foxx accused of sexual assault: a complaint filed against the actor

Jamie Foxx accused of sexual assault: a complaint filed against the actor

A few hours ago, the TMZ media dropped a bombshell on successful American actor Jamie Foxx.

An undisclosed woman has filed a complaint against the star, accusing him of sexually assaulting her. According to documents obtained by the American media, Jamie Foxx’s alleged victim recounted in her complaint events that allegedly took place eight years earlier, in August 2015, at a restaurant called Catch NYC.

Sitting at a table not far from Jamie Foxx’s, the woman then allegedly walked up to him, with a friend, to ask for a photo. « Sure, baby, anything for you, » he reportedly replied.

While they were taking the photos, the 55-year-old actor, who has recently suffered serious health problems, allegedly made some particularly inappropriate remarks to her, such as « Wow, you’ve got a model’s body », and « You smell so good ». The alleged victim, who specifies that Jamie Foxx appeared drunk, then claims in her complaint that he took her to a quieter area of the establishment, then « put his hands on her hips, then under her shirt, before touching her breasts ».

The woman, who claims that Jamie Foxx’s bodyguard would have seen the scene, without intervening, also added that the actor would have slipped his fingers down her pants, then « into her v*gin and anµs ».

According to the complaint documents, the alleged victim’s life has been profoundly affected by this alleged assault, and she has since suffered « physical and emotional injuries, anxiety, stress, shame and economic consequences ».

She is now seeking compensation for « the pain and suffering, but also the economic losses » linked to this sexual assault. After P.Diddy, it’s now another American public figure who is the target of serious accusations, to which he is refusing to respond for the time being, after being contacted by the American media.


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