Bad Bunny: the star rents a luxury house for $150,000 a month

Bad Bunny: the star rents a luxury house for $150,000 a month

Bad Bunny has indulged himself by renting a house he’s always dreamed of.

And to make his dream come true, the singer-artist had to dig deep into his pocket.

The luxury penthouse the artist has just rented is billed at $150,000 a month.

A crazy sum for the singer, who doesn’t seem to be worried.

His music has made him a huge fortune, allowing him to live like this.

Voici les business qui rendent riche ces dernières années

However, his new folly has not escaped the shock of social network users.

While celebrities tend to buy houses, Bad Bunny enjoys renting them.

To each his own, we often say, don’t we? So here’s Bunny’s choice.


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