15-year-old wanted after his parents’ murder

15-year-old wanted after his parents’ murder

On Monday November 27, the fire department received a call about a house on fire in Châteauvilain, Isère. The farmer who had made the call had seen the smoke and had knocked on the door to warn the residents, but had received no reply.

The firefighters arrived and discovered the family’s bloodied dog near the house. According to « Le Parisien », the former farmhouse was engulfed in a raging fire. Two bodies were discovered in the rubble upstairs.

The bodies have not been formally identified, but they probably belong to the couple who lived there, a 58-year-old man and his 52-year-old wife. They have two boys, one aged 17 and the other 15. The eldest had left the day before for Lyon for his studies and would return in a hurry once he had been warned. But the younger, Valentin, has disappeared.

The child has Lyme disease

The autopsy revealed that both bodies bore gunshot wounds. It was therefore not an accident, and on Thursday November 30, the Gendarmerie Nationale launched a search for Valentin.

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What we do know is that Valentin suffered from Lyme disease, which led to his being taken out of school. His father, on the other hand, was a sport shooter and owned a rifle.

The elder brother is « now safe, as are his two adult half-sisters who no longer live in the region », according to the public prosecutor’s office, reports AFP.

The vehicle usually used by the father to travel to work, a Citroën Picasso, was found empty in the Drôme region, according to the Grenoble public prosecutor. According to « Le Dauphiné Libéré », video surveillance recorded after the fire identified a young man at the wheel of the car.

On Thursday, the young man was « likely to be » in the north of the Drôme or Isère regions, according to the gendarmerie. According to Daniel Gaude, mayor of Châteauvilain, a village of around 800 inhabitants, the family had been living there for some 15 years, had renovated an old farmhouse and were « very well integrated ».

The father had been a local councillor on his team during his previous term, in charge of the canteen and day-care center. « For me it’s incomprehensible (…) I knew them well, I can only say good things about them », he told AFP.


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